Applications are invited for the post of

Senior Speech & Language Therapists


Voices for Down Syndrome Galway

Speech & Language Therapy Project

(Based in our clinic in NUI Galway)

     Position Available: 

  1. Full-Time Senior Speech & Language Therapist (ref code SLT-FT)
  2. Part-Time Senior Speech & Language Therapist (ref code SLT-PT)
  3. Contract Work Senior Speech & Language Therapist (ref code SLT-CW)

      All posts will be for an initial 2 year contract

      Salary as per HSE pay scale


Candidates must have a recognised qualification in Speech & Language Therapy, approved by the Dept. of Health & Children, with at least 3 years relevant experience in the area of intellectual disability/Down Syndrome and with at least 3 years relevant experience in the area of intellectual disability / Down Syndrome working as part of a dynamic team.

Candidates who have trained outside of the Republic of Ireland must have their qualifications validated with the Dept. of Health & Children in order to apply.

Professional support, continuing professional development and strong links with NUIG School of Speech & Language are features of this post.

For more information on our organisation visit

Application with letter of interest and CV (quoting position ref code applying for) for attn. of Margaret Farrell to

Closing date for receipt of applications is Thursday 28th January 2016

Interviews will take place in Galway on Wed 3rd February 2016