What a Transformation!
You will be delighted to know that our Our ‘Christmas Creations’ Christmas Tree decorated with pictures of 69 of our Fabulous Members of Various ages is available for you to view it in its new wonderful home in the House Hotel https://www. thehousehotel.ie/ until Sunday 3rd January.
You are welcome to view it anytime, without booking, it is located just inside the door of the restaurant/bar.
Food & Beverages are also available to purchase on Fri / Sat / Sun only.
The House Hotel have a Festive Sunday Lunch Menu offer at the moment of 2 Course €24 / 3 Course €29 https://www.thehousehotel.ie/ the-yard/menu-selection/ and they are very kindly giving a further 10% off to all of our members & their families Only when they show the email from Dee. Prebooking for this lunch is essential
We have to say a Big Thank You to
- Maura O’Donnell & all in the House Hotel for offering to home our Tree,
- To Loretta Raftery & all at Creative Ireland & Galway City Council for running & funding this project
and most of all our amazing Artist Yvette Picque (below). She listened to our ideas, put it all together & put in all of the hard work.
Please show your Gratitude by going in to view it & giving us some feedback here or on social media.
Happy Christmas
Gráinne, Breege, Jackie, Deirdre & Caroline.
Just a few of our lovely members that popped into the House Hotel https://www.thehousehotel.ie/