Morning All,
I have been in discussions with Joanne Dawson, the Employment Officer with Down Syndrome Ireland https://downsyndrome. ie/team-detail/joanne-dawson/
about the DSI National Employment Programme and longer-term plans for building a network with DSI branches Nationwide.
The DSI National Employment Programme involves securing partnerships with employers to establish meaningful employment opportunities for adults with Down syndrome.
Joanne works alongside adults with Down syndrome by providing pre-employment training and then ongoing support afterwards when in employment.
And most importantly, she also provides Down syndrome awareness training to employers.
As the programme grows, Joanne would like to coordinate their employment goals with the branches & continue to support adults with Down syndrome in employment.
Joanne will be holding a Zoom meeting (Date to be confirmed) for Branches interested in being part of the National Employment Programme and longer-term plans for building a network with DSI branches Nationwide.
The purpose of the meeting going forward is:
” that branches will have the opportunity to avail of the best practice models and supports that they have in place that successfully enables us to continue facilitating meaningful job opportunities for adults with Down syndrome Nationwide.”
As a Branch, we would love to form a group of parents and members who are passionate about advancing employment opportunities for people with Down syndrome.
I am happy to feedback the information from this Zoom meeting to anyone that is interested but to really get this up and running in Galway, it needs people power.
It needs the people that are on the ground, with our adults and really passionate about seeing adults with DS in employment.
it would be lovely to have a few representatives on the Zoom, supporting each other and working with Myself and Joanne to make this happen.
If you would like to be a part of a group to bring this to Galway, just let me know:
Members name:
Members Date of Brith:
We look forward to chatting, planning and bringing this to Galway.
Exciting Times.
Deirdre Nugent
Galway Regional Resource Officer
Email: DeirdreNugent@
Phone: 087 421 1345
Website: www.
Office hours: Mon, Tues, Thurs & Fri 10.00 – 4.30