Adult Education and Employment Programme – Wed 26th
Down Syndrome Ireland recognises the need to support further education and employment opportunities for our adult members with Down syndrome.
To this end, the DSI Adult Education and Employment Programme was developed for members with Down syndrome who are school leavers and those aged 18+ years. This 4 day week program runs for up to three years and is currently available in branches in Limerick, Kerry, Dublin, Waterford and Kildare. Please see attached further details of the course content.
In order to provide information on the importance of maintaining and developing literacy and technology for our members with Down syndrome, I am delighted to be in a position to invite the following presenters to Galway,Professor Karen Moni along with Dr Anne Jobling & Janette Lloyd School of Education, University of Queensland, Australia who have specialized in the area of further education for teenagers and adults with intellectual disabilities.
I will also provide an overview on the Career Guidance and Employment modules of the programme.
Adult Education and Maintaining Literacy for Adults with Down syndrome
Date: Wednesday 26th September at 8:00 pm
Venue: NUIG Speech & Language Building, Aras Moyola, Lecture Room 1 (Room 120)
Presenters: Associate Professor Karen Moni
Associate Professor Karen Moni has had extensive experience teaching and researching in the field of English and literacy education. Her research interests include adolescent literacy and literature, literacy and young adults with intellectual disabilities, teacher education and teaching and learning in higher education. Dr Moni is also the Executive Director of Latch-On a research and teaching program focusing on literacy and young adults with intellectual disabilities and continues to research in the area of intellectual disability
Dr Anne Jobling
Dr Anne Jobling is part of an on-going research team examining the development and longer term adjustment of adolescents and young adults with Down Syndrome.
Mrs Janette Lloyd
School Of Further Education, The University of Queensland
If you have not already indicated your interest in attending, please respond by email to myself